If you are looking forward to purchasing an apartment, then this blog can provide you with some very good information that can be helpful in saving a lot of money for you. As a buyer, one should know and understand the terminology that is being used for defining the area of an apartment. Otherwise, you could be a pray for builders because of the lacking of knowledge.
Some of the very common terms that are used to define the area of an apartment are Carpet Area, Built-Up Area, and Super Built-Up Area.
As the name suggests itself, the carpet area is the area that can be covered with a carpet. In other words, the Carpet area is the distance between inner walls. The total area in which carpet can be applied will be the carpet area of that house.
As per the RERA (Real Estate Regulation Authority), builders need to provide the details of the total carpet area, and on the basis of that, the sale price of that apartment will be decided. The carpet Area constitutes 70 percent (%) of the Built-Up Area.
Given below is the formula on the basis of which the Carpet Area of an apartment is calculated.
Carpet Area = Area of Bedroom + Living Room + Balconies + Toilets – The Thickness of the Inner Walls
Given below are the places of an apartment
Built-Up Area is the sum of the Carpet Area, Area of Inner Walls, and the Area of a balcony. Common areas of the apartment like lobby, lift, shaft, etc. are not included in the Built-Up Area.
Given below is the formula on the basis of which the Built-Up Area of an apartment is calculated. Built-Up Area constitutes 70 to 80 percent (%) of the Super Built-Up Area.
Built-Up Area = Carpet Area + Area of Walls + Area of Balcony
Super Built-Up Area is the sum of Built-Up Area and other common areas of the apartment like lobby, lift, shaft, etc. As per the guidelines of RERA (Real Estate Regulation Authority), stairs, lobby, lift, shaft, and other common areas that can be used by the whole building come under Super Built-Up Area.
Given below is the formula on the basis of which the Built-Up Area of an apartment is calculated.
Super Built-Up Area = Built-Up Area + Common Area
Provided details can help you to understand about Carpet Area, Built-Up Area, and Super Built-Up Area with ease. By knowing these details, you can select the best apartment for yourself. This information will also save you from many frauds by which you can save a lot of your hard-earned money.
For more information visit the official RERA website of your state. For Rajasthan state, visit https://rera.rajasthan.gov.in/.
Super Built-Up Area = Built-Up Area + Common Area
The carpet Area constitutes 70 percent (%) of the Built-Up Area.
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